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Electrical Accreditation BS BE HE for Non-Electricians : Training Program

Electrical Accreditation Program BS BE HE : Non-Electricians

Duration : 2 days

Price : € 175 per day

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The accreditation training course for non-electricians is intended for staff responsible for carrying out protective maneuvers and resets in electrical rooms in LV or HV, and for performing basic operations on electrical equipment and installations.


  • To learn the industry regulations as defined in the NF C 18-510 standard.
  • To apply safety-related know-how to reset maneuvers carried out on electrical equipment or installations.
  • The issuance of an accreditation grade with the preset symbols offered by the trainer.

1.Shared topics

  • Electrical magnitudes encountered during various operations
  • Effects of electric current on the human body : electrification, electrocution, burns
  • Electrical works or installations : voltage domains, restrictions and recognizing materials
  • Electrical environments and their constraints Accreditation: principles, symbols, restrictions and formalization
  • Safety regulations relating to electrical environments and operations
  • Collective protection : measures, equipment and signage
  • Work equipment used (ladders, hand tools…) : hazards and implementation
  • Fires and accidents on or near electrical works or installations

2. Topics specific to maneuvers

  • Electrical materials in their environment : function, characteristics, identification
  • Personal protective equipment : identify, verify, use
  • Accreditation grade « E » : restrictions (allowed maneuvers), hazard analysis, and preventive measures
  • Parties involved in the maneuvers : positions responsible for electrical operation and for lockout-tagout
  • Exchanges with those in charge of electrical operation or lockout-tagout : information and documents
  • Safety instructions specific to maneuvers

3. Topics specific to BT Basic BS Operation

  • Accreditation restrictions « BS »
  • Exchanges with those in charge of electrical operation : information and documents
  • Electrical materials in their environment : function, characteristics, identification
  • Personal protective equipment : identify, verify, use
  • Securing circuits : pre-identification, separation, locking, VAT (Voltage Absence Testing), and repowering back to live
  • Preventive measures to be applied during a basic BT operation
  • Replacement / connection procedures and related safety instructions

4.Topics specific to BE Measurements, BE Verifications, HE Measurements, HE Verifications

  • Function of electric materials : outage, protection, separation…
  • Responsible for electrical operations : role, instructions, exchange (of information and documents), observance of instructions
  • Work equipment used : hazard assessment, verification, identification, use
  • Applicable documents during operations : work authorization, safety instructions…
  • Preventive measures to be applied during operations : elimination of hazards, organization,
  • demarcation, signposting, observance and enforcement

5. Evaluation and validation

  • Evaluation of the trainee’s knowledge at the end of each module
  • Evaluation of the trainee’s know-how through practical simulations and/or role play
  • Issuance of an accreditation grade with the preset symbols offered by the trainer.

6.Teaching methods

  • Presentations and discussions based on real-life experiences
  • Practical implementation of the concepts by each course participant
  • Knowledge mastery regularly assessed throughout the duration of the course
  • Computerized or written theoretical and practical tests
  • Each course participant is given a booklet summarizing the various topics.
  • Training quality evaluation questionnaire

7. Teaching methods

  • Use of audiovisual resources pertinent to the topics covered : slideshows…
  • Adapted classrooms
  • Equipment specific to electrical accreditation:1000V insulating gloves, undergloves, insulating mat, low voltage cell, voltage tester, insulating technical material
  • Formation BE : Habilitation Basse tension pour chargé d’opérations spécifiques : manœuvre, essais, mesurage, vérification.
  • Formation BS : Habilitation Basse tension pour chargé d’interventions élémentaires
  • Formation HE : Habilitation Haute tension pour chargé d’opérations spécifiques : manœuvre, essais, mesurage, vérification.


Basic competency in electricity is highly recommended for enrollment in the BS BE HE electrical accreditation training course.


Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Montpellier, Toulouse


  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Wheelchair accessible


Refresher retraining course frequency recommended by the CNAMTS : every 3 years

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